QRZ.com Logbook

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Remember that Conficker C Worm? ...well guess what...

Remember the April Fool's day computer worm that was supposed to melt your hard drive or worse? That, by all accounts, became a Chicken Little exercise in media hysteria?

Well...according to the experts, it's alive, and it's on the move.

Or at least one expert...Yahoo's Christopher Null, "The Working Guy". He's reporting that the worm has finally began to show signs of life. Although what it's doing is still anybodys guess.

Here's his report...

The real propellerheads at Baylor University who work on fighting this stuff has posted a "Eye Chart" that will show you in a moment if your computer is infected. There's also a long explanation by Christopher Null as to what you are seeing when you view the page. If you feel a little "wormy" over this thing, feel free to check out Christopher Null's explanation first.

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