QRZ.com Logbook

Thursday, November 15, 2012

KC3VO's 2kW ham radio backpack amplifier gets the attention of the FCC! This is a preview from ARVN's "Dayton Collection" from the 2009 Dayton Hamvention. This clip comes from the "Unauthorized" Dayton TOUR. Details at www.arvideonews.com.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Live Weatherstream from KI4HEE

The weather station is up and live on weatherunderground. All & all, a very pain free experience. The Weatherwise WS-2080 is impressive, & worth the sub $100 pricetag. I'll be crafting a product review over the next few days for the APN Newsletter and blog, and here, so stay tuned! Meanwhile, go check out the weather conditions around the KI4HEE Hamshack on the edge of Red Hill!